Thursday, July 14, 2011

Casa Buonarroti (July 10)

Today Kes and I visited Museo Casa Buonarroti, the Florentine residence Michelangelo left to his Nephew upon his death. The house holds a number of Michelangelo originals among a variety of artifacts and antiques collected by the family. The residence was in the family until the death of Cosimo Buonarroti, who left its extensive collection for public enjoyment. Photography was prohibited, so the images of artwork here are from Casa Buonaroti's website.

Collection highlights:

-A number of original moquettes and preparatory sculptures

Michelangelo Buonarroti
Two Wrestlers
circa 1530

-Original preparatory drawings and sketches (rare, since many were destroyed by the artist himself prior to his death. Michelangelo wanted to appear perfect to the world). These were especially interesting to look at, and contained everything from notes, medium recipes, and quick figure sketches to studies in perspective and architectural blue prints.

Michelangelo Buonarroti
Nude from the Back
circa 1504-1505

- A Michelangelo "shrine". In memory of his infamous relative, Michelangelo Buonarroti the Younger commissioned notable artists of his time to create paintings and murals extolling the life and genius of his great uncle (including Artemisa Gentileschi's "The Inclination"). The paintings were installed on the walls and ceilings of a room and depicted important events in the artist's life, as well as his many virtues.

Artemisia Gentileschi
The Inclination
circa 1615 - 1616

-An exhibit of drawings and sketches by Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci (self-explanatorily amazing)

Afterwards... lunch.

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